

China's ginormous bus 中國震撼創新: 立體快巴!


China has overtaken the United States as the world's biggest producer of greenhouse gases and biggest energy consumer. But the country is also thinking in big and bold ways when it comes to how it will reduce pollution and a new plan to build a "straddling bus" is among the boldest space-age schemes yet.

In an effort to go green and relieve congestion without widening roads, the Shenzhen Huashi Future Parking Equipment company is developing a "3D Express Coach", also known as a "three-dimensional fast bus".

The innovation will allow cars less than 2 meters high to travel underneath the upper level of the vehicle, which will be carrying passengers. According to China Hush, the 6 meter wide 3D Express Coach will be powered by a combination of electricity and solar energy, and will be able to travel up to 60 kilometers per hour carrying some 1200 to 1400 passengers.

The first 115 miles of track is set for construction in Beijing's Mentougou district starting in late 2010. The Chairman of the Huashi Future Parking Equipment company boasts it will take only a year and 500 million yuan, around $73 million, to build the futuristic transportation system.

Seriously, this is the future that China's envisioning: huge friggin' buses engulfing smaller cars on the road. Despite the silly picture and the eccentric "3D Express Coach" branding, this cunning project by Shenzhen Huashi Future Car-Parking Equipment actually makes sense. The idea is to make use of the space between regular-size cars and bridges, thus saving construction costs as well as minimizing congestion impact by allowing cars to drive underneath these jumbo buses. Fancy hitching a ride? You better start planning your move to Beijing's Mentougou district, which is where Huashi will commence building its first 186km of track at year's end. For now, enjoy the Chinese demo video after the break.

未來交通系統:立體快巴 (中國高鐵下一站...)


中國高鐵的發展成效得到中外的讚揚,就連美國亦表示要向中國多多學習。近日,中國又有人提出了一個創新的概念--- 立體快巴。「立體快巴」外型酷似本港輕鐵,擁有空心的下層,横跨兩條行車線,在行駛時仍可讓其他小型車輛穿過,大大節省馬路的佔用空間,有效地舒緩交通擠塞問題。而且「立體快巴」成本低,建設時間又快,加上採用公用電力和太陽能為能源,既省錢又環保。「立體快巴」預料最快在2010年年底於北京門頭溝區開始動工。



載客 每輛容納1000餘人


驅動 採用太陽能和電能



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